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The Importance Of Making Valid Wills

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Wills are essential legal instruments used to determine the distribution of a decedent’s estate. Thus, people should ensure they have valid wills, stipulating how to share their wealth. Usually, people who die without valid wills subject their estates to the intestacy process, allowing state courts to determine their distribution. Having a valid will ensures that you maintain control of your estate’s distribution after your death. Furthermore, those who die without valid wills usually put their families through long, arduous, and contentious probate proceedings, whereas making a will is easy. Read More»

The Four Blind Spots Found On A 18-Wheeler

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If an 18-wheeler crashes into your vehicle, the driver might claim that they did not see your vehicle at the time of the accident. This might be because an 18-wheeler actually has four blind spots on the vehicle and you might have been in one of these blind spots at the time of the accident. If this is the case, you may still be able to hold the operator of the 18-wheeler responsible for the accident. Read More»

Should You Try To Represent Yourself Without A OVI Lawyer?

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An OVI, or an operating a vehicle impaired, lawyer is just the professional you want to see when you are facing DUI charges. There is a lot that happens in the courtroom on the day you are expected to appear. Things could go bad quickly if you are not careful, which is why it is imperative that you hire an OVI defense attorney as soon as possible. Here are some reasons why you do not need to try to handle this case on your own: Read More»

Can a Speeding Ticket Lawyer Get You Out of a Speeding Ticket?

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Speeding tickets do more than just cost you a few hundreds of dollars. If you have been slapped with a speeding fine, your auto insurance company may increase your premiums. Therefore, while paying off a speeding ticket seems like the simple thing to do, it can taint your driving record. Therefore, consider approaching a lawyer to fight the ticket in court. A speeding ticket lawyer can use the following tactics to beat the ticket and save you money. Read More»

2 Asset Planning Techniques To Qualify For Medicaid

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If you are over the income limits to qualify for Medicaid, and you know that it is a benefit that you will need to access, there are asset and income planning techniques that you can use to help you qualify for Medicaid. These techniques can be undertaken on your own; however, you can help ensure that you get your Medicaid planning done correctly by working with an attorney. Technique #1: Irrevocable Funeral Trust Read More»