Workers Compensation 101

Can You Really Lose Custody Of Your Child Because You're Disabled?

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As many as 9 million parents in the U.S. suffer from some form of disability. But should they suffer from the loss of their children as a result? If you’re in a custody dispute and you suffer from a disability, here’s what you should know. The Judge Will Consider Your Disability As A Factor When Determining Custody There are a dozen different factors that a judge has to consider when determining what’s in the best interest of a child, once custody becomes an issue. Read More»

Don't Make These Financial Mistakes During Your Divorce

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Divorce can present you with many challenges, and many people underestimate how making the wrong financial decisions during this time can continue to affect you for many years down the road. Make sure that you get the support you need to avoid making the financial mistakes below. 1.  Failing to perform a realistic evaluation of your financial status. Now is the time to sit down and do a budget, including a forecast for the next year. Read More»

Avoid Pitfalls during a Divorce Mediation

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According to statistics, about 1 out of every 2 marriages will end in divorce. With half of marriages moving towards a divorce, many divorcing couples will find themselves stuck in mediation. The process can be scary if you do not know what to expect. Mediation is an important part of the divorce. You want to make sure you walk away with everything you are entitled to. Typically, you only get one chance at mediation before it will head to court so you want to do everything you can to get it right. Read More»

What Amusement Parks Say In Court To Avoid Paying Personal Injury Claims

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Amusement parks are designed with safety in mind, but sometimes they fail to live up to those standards. If you believe that you’ve been wrongly injured anywhere on amusement park grounds, you have every right to sue for damages, but don’t expect your opponent to go down easy. To help you prepare for the battle ahead, here are some of the most common defenses amusement parks use to get out of paying up: Read More»

3 Ways To Improve Your Emails During The Divorce Process

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When you’re getting divorced, it will be hard for you to effectively communicate with your spouse. However, it is absolutely critical that you make sure that you are able to get the information that you need and give the information that your spouse needs in order for the divorce to be processed as quickly as possible. There is a good chance that you will be communicating by email, since it is easy to document and quick to send and get a response. Read More»