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Lock Legalities

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Breakups are always sad and frequently messy. As a result, you may want to change the locks on your apartment or home after your spouse or significant other moves out. Legally, you may not be able to do so until things are settled by the court. Before you call the locksmith, you need to know your rights. Family Home When one partner of a marriage or civil union moves out, you may legally be able to change the locks if the move was voluntary and meant to be permanent. Read More»

Exposing A Few Myths Concerning Dog Bite Cases

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Dogs are extremely popular pets to own. However, it is an unfortunate fact that some dogs are far more aggressive than others. As a result, it is possible for individuals to suffer particularly serious bites from these animals. When you suffer a serious dog bite, it is possible to suffer extensive injuries that require medical care to treat, which can lead to serious medical bills. Luckily, the legal system allows for dog bite victims to pursue damages, but you may need the following few myths about dog bite cases addressed. Read More»

How Refusing Field Sobriety Tests Can Affect Your DUI Charges

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If you’ve been charged with driving under the influence, you may be worried about the effect this may have on your ability to drive in the near future. Some people get nervous when they are pulled over by the authorities and refuse field sobriety tests. This includes refusing to complete a breathalyzer test and failure to step out of the car and complete dexterity tests. If you have been charged and you refused to complete sobriety testing on the spot, it’s important to work with a dui attorney who can further assess your case. Read More»

Relief In A Hurry: What To Know About An Emergency Bankruptcy Filing

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If you are in danger of losing your home to foreclosure, eviction or losing your vehicle to a repossession, a bankruptcy filing may be the answer. Bankruptcy contains a provision known as the automatic stay, which gives filers a temporary reprieve from collection actions. Most bankruptcy filings, however, contain reams of paperwork that can take some time to complete, and when you are in danger of losing property, time is of the essence. Read More»

Could You Be Prevented from Owning Guns If You Receive Social Security Disability?

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If you’re currently receiving federal disability benefits for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or another mental illness, you likely rely on these payments to keep yourself afloat financially. Even if your mental illness is well managed, it can sometimes be difficult to hold down full-time employment (especially if you have other physical ailments). However, a proposed federal regulation could prevent those who are receiving Social Security Disability (SSD) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) for mental illness from legally owning firearms. Read More»